Birthplace of ginjo sake and the largest concentration of sake breweries in Hiroshima

Birthplace of ginjo sake and the largest concentration of sake breweries in Hiroshima



At its peak, more than 30 sake breweries competed with each other, and the water of Saijo has a great deal to do with the development of Saijo breweries. The water in Saijo is basically soft water, but even soft water has a relatively high degree of hardness, making it suitable for sake brewing. Saijo’s sake, which was slowly brewed with water containing just the right amount of minerals, increased production capacity and the transportation capacity of the Sanyo Main Line, which opened to Saijo in the middle of the Meiji era, and the supply capacity increased dramatically. It supported the Hiroshima sake boom in Japan.

At its peak, more than 30 sake breweries competed with each other, and the water of Saijo has a great deal to do with the development of Saijo breweries. The water in Saijo is basically soft water, but even soft water has a relatively high degree of hardness, making it suitable for sake brewing. Saijo’s sake, which was slowly brewed with water containing just the right amount of minerals, increased production capacity and the transportation capacity of the Sanyo Main Line, which opened to Saijo in the middle of the Meiji era, and the supply capacity increased dramatically. It supported the Hiroshima sake boom in Japan.

In this virtual tour, we will guide you to Mt. Ryuozan, the water source of Saijo’s “miracle water,” with images taken from above Saijo.

In the Saijo Sake Brewery District, you can see the current brewing method of ginjo sake, including the heart of the brewery, which is normally off-limits, using 3D images of sake breweries that are representative of Saijo using the latest technology. I will explain.

In the virtual tour Akitsu version of ginjo sake, we explain that the sake breweries were concentrated near the port facing the calm Setouchi, and we will visit the Japanese garden of Kara Sake Brewery and the oysters on the sake brewery tour to Japan. A video guide of the production site.

このバーチャルツアーでは、⻄条上空から撮影した映像で⻄条の「奇跡の水」の水源地、龍王山 をご案内します。

⻄条酒蔵地区では、⻄条を代表する酒蔵を最新テクノロジーで立体的に撮影し た3D映像を使って、普段は立ち入ることができない酒蔵の心臓部分を含めて、吟醸酒の現在の製 法を解説します。

また、バーチャルツアー安芸津編では、酒蔵が穏やかな瀬戶内に面した港の近くに集積していた ことを説明しながら、訪日酒蔵ツアーで訪問する柄酒造の日本庭園や、牡蠣の生産現場を映像で ご案内します。